Fishing Charter Guide, Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, Cape Coral, Florida
Tide Walker Charters
239 994 7818
With Host Captain Russ Walker -
A Family Oriented, Masters Licensed, Fishing Guide
Enjoy three great locations:
Lavender Public Ramp Located @
7290 Barrancas Avenue., Bokeelia, Pine Island, Florida, 33922
Out of Cape Coral, Florida 33904
3rd alternative Punta Rassa Ramp, Punta Rassa, Florida
Hey, I'm on the Trailer: "Have Boat Will Travel"
Tarpon Fishing

Tarpon fishing Boca Grande Pass or
in Pine Island Sound.
Tide Walker Charters is among the most well established Tarpon fishing guides for charter in Pine Island, Cape Coral, Useppa and Cayo Costa areas.
SILVER KINGS of the Florida Coast! Returning early each spring to our local waters, Tarpon are migratory and run here through early summer. These giant fighters are not for the faint of heart as they are a handful. This is a must do at least once in your lifetime. Let's Do This!
Tarpon are considered to be a true game fish yet they are not fished for human consumption. This is due to several factors. They are bony and tough so most tarpon fishing is usually catch and release. In the old days, tarpon were caught and slaughtered by the thousands. Now considered a valuable resource, Tarpon are highly protected by the Florida Wildlife Commission. In most areas where we fish, catch and release, is the law. Further, that no Tarpon catch can be removed from the water at any time. Not even for pictures if they are over 40".
Tarpon are also called The Silver King”. They can weigh well over 200 pounds, growing to 8 feet in length. They are noted for putting up a ferocious fight. Many are considered once in a lifetime catches, hence being considered a great fish to target for some major thrills. Tarpon always put on a great aerial show jumping as much as 10 feet out of the water presenting an awesome visual spectacle as an entertaining bonus.
Near our area, Boca Grande Pass is considered to be one of the Tarpon Capitals of the World . The height of the season is during April, May and June. Hill Tides (Full Moons in Spring) present a unique opportunity with the pass crab spawn. Thousands of Tarpon congregate in the Pass and it can get crowed. The beaches, channel holes or on the Hill are the best places for the complete experience.
Silver King Tarpon

Catch & Release Mounts are available from Tide Walker Charters to commerate your catch.
Ask Captain Russ for a quote on your next trip.